Many of you know that this is what my kitchen currently looks like.....

It's simply not in the budget to completely gut and update it in the way that I would like but trust me when I say, I'm collecting ideas for what I want when it IS in the budget!
Here's a close up of the drawers...

The other night, Chris and I were talking about adding a dishwasher. Right now, I am the the dishwasher and while there are only two of us living here, it only takes a spoon, coffee mug and a bowl to make it look cluttered in our little kitchen! I was surprised to discover that it would only be somewhere between $275-$325 to add one. The only problem is that it would have to go where the three drawers are just to the right of the sink. That would leave us without any drawers at all. Is this a problem? How would we store linens and silverware? Do any of you have drawer less kitchens?
I was thinking that something like this might work for our silverware tray inside a cabinet.....

Or maybe something like this.....

I'd love to hear your ideas and any pros and cons you might think of that I haven't thought of yet!
I'm taking the Memorial Day Weekend off from blogging and will be back on Tuesday. Enjoy some time with your friends and family and don't forget to spend a moment to acknowledge those who have fought for our freedom!
Many Blessings,