Good morning everyone!
It's been a couple of months since I've done a book review and since
my last one was so intense, I intentionally chose a lighter one this time around!

Karen Linamen's light-hearted style of writing had me chuckling out loud in some cases and really thinking in others. She lays out simple suggestions on how to find joy in your life even while in the midst of a tough time. Here are a few ideas directly from the book:
1. Replace the word
have with the word
get. Instead of saying I
have to make the deposit today, say I
get to make the deposit today. Suddenly things like this become more like opportunities and less like obligations.
2. Finish something you've started. Simple, yet brilliant! The sense of accomplishment you get when you finally finish something you've been needing to for some time makes you wonder what took you so long?!
3. Get acquainted with random acts of kindness. Pay for a strangers cup of coffee in the drive thru, allow someone waiting to get out of a parking lot to pull out in front of you or offer to let another get in line in front of you at the grocery store when they only have a few items in their basket.
Taking the focus off of you and putting it on something or someone else allows you time to think things through before responding to your situation based on how you are feeling. Goodness knows that living your life based on your emotions will bring nothing but chaos and grief!
Thank you Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Group for giving me this free copy of The Chocolate Diaries to read as part of your reviewing program.
Now, is anyone interested in a Chocolate on Chocolate Trifle recipe? It sounds divine!