Good morning everyone!
I'm excited to announce that I will be participating in a
summer challenge from today until August 9th dedicated to being the kind of wife that my husband needs.
Courtney from Women Living Well posted the schedule on her blog this morning and it looks like this....
June 7 - announce to your readers you are participating by posting the button on your site and leaving your link below. Optional: Embed the HTML from this video in your blog post!
June 14 – Post Pictures from your dating days (or tell us all about it!). Think about one thing you used to do or have as a couple that you have lost in the shuffle of life. How can you regain it?
June 21 - Remember Your Vows - post pictures of your wedding day. We will review the sacredness of this day.
June 28 - Ask your husband every morning how you can pray for him that day. Bonus: Fast and pray for him one day this week.
July 5 - Admire Your Husband. Write this post and then show it to him! He will smile!
July 12 - Make a list of 5 things you currently do and ask him to prioritize them for you of what is important to him. For example - a clean home, home cooked dinner, coupon clipping, service at church, having friends over for dinner, watching/doing sports with him, etc.
July 19 - Make him a priority. Ask him what his favorite dinner, dessert and drink are. Be sure to serve him all three one night this week. Bonus: cook his favorite dishes all week long!
July 26 - Support his vision. Discuss his vision for your family. Where does he see your family in 1 year, 5 years, and 10 years. Share with us how you let your husband lead.
August 2 - R-E-S-P-E-C-T! No complaining, criticizing, rolling your eyes, nagging, or giving him any friction this week. Enjoy a week of peace in your home!
August 9 - Kiss Him Like You Mean It (and be sure the door is locked!)
The beauty of this kind of challenge is that all of the things on the schedule above are universal. Courtney points out that all marriages look different because we are different people and I've found that to be true after 16 years of marriage. I encourage you to take on the challenge of being the kind of wife that your husband needs and would love to hear if you decide to join in as well!
Many Blessings,