After my post on Friday, I spent most of my weekend with all kinds of things whirling around in my mind. I've decided to go ahead and do a Thrifty Living Series because I can't possibly be the only one who is concerned with the way things are going in our world today! I invite you to join me on this journey and would love it if you would let me know you are reading from time to time.

Leave it to pinterest to sum up my thoughts perfectly!

Before I go, I'd like to say thank you to my special friend Sue who blessed me with an online award this weekend....I'm touched and honored that you thought of me my friend! While I don't tag others with awards myself, I am very thankful for our online family! If you get a chance, please drop by Sue's blog and give her a little love....
Have a good day!

Linking to: Natasha in Oz.....