Good morning ladies! I hope you had a great 4th of July...I know I did! Let's get right into this week's challenge since I didn't get to post yesterday!
I had to ask myself
Courtney's question from yesterday's pop quiz.....Is it easier to list all of Chris' faults or the things I admire about him? My very first thought when I read that sentence was scripture....and I'm glad too because that's a very good tool to use when the enemy wants to try and fill your head and heart with doubts! It comes from the very popular scripture often spoken at weddings and such.....
".....it keeps no record of wrongs." 1 Cor. 13:5. If you have never read 1 Cor. 13:4-7, I would highly recommend it as it is a sure fire way to learn to love. Here are the things I admire about Chris:
1. He is a follower of Christ. He's not ashamed of his beliefs and will go toe to toe with anyone who would like to debate the issue.
2. He saw enough worth in me to lead me to Christ.
3. He makes me laugh like no one else!
4. He is the hardest working man I know and an excellent provider because of his ability to do many things.
5. He's trustworthy because he's a man of his word.
6. He's loyal to those he loves and will go to great lengths to protect them.
7. He's intelligent and is patient with me when explaining something I don't understand.
8. He's disciplined in finances and makes good choices for us as a family.
9. He's creative and can often make whatever I ask him to.
10. He loves me and tells me every single day.
What's not to admire?
Many Blessings,