When I first became a wife I couldn't cook a lick! I was young and thought I knew it all but quickly realized I was sorely mistaken. Poor Chris was lucky to get a frozen burrito thrown into the microwave after a long day at work! I've come a long way since then with the help of cookbooks, friends, websites and the Food Network and have developed some favorites that feel more like family than celebrities.
At the top my my list is
Rachael Ray. Can I get an amen out there? This girl can cook! And I love that she's so down to earth and explains things in easy to understand terms. I love her laugh and her stories about her family and friends and wish that I lived in upstate New York and was her neighbor!

Tonight I'm trying out
this recipe from
Melissa's Heart and Home. If you have never been to Melissa's blog, you are missing out friends. Go and check her out, you'll be so glad you did! And in an effort to support my girl Rachel, I splurged at the grocery store and picked up some of her EVOO. I can't wait to try it!
Does anyone subscribe to
Every Day with Rachael Ray? I have a friend that passes on her magazines to me. They are filled with stories, recipes, tips and tricks. I found these particularly interesting and thought I'd share them with you this morning....
1) Before you pull up to the drive thru window, do a quick count. If there will be more than three cars in line ahead of you, pull into the parking lot. It will be faster to order your food inside.
2) Think you may have blinked during a photo? Close your eyes and check what color the spot you see is. If it's white, you didn't blink. If it's red, you probably did and it's time for a do-over!
3) Before paying money for hot coffee. make sure it's from a fresh pot. If the cream swirls up brown, the coffee is fresh. If it swirls up gray, it's been sitting on the burner way too long.
Hope these tips help your Monday run a little smoother! I'm off to get my day officially started. Have a good week!
Many Blessings,