Monday, June 28, 2010

Praying Daily.....

Good morning!

I hope you all had a good weekend. We did but it sure seemed to go by way too fast!

This weeks challenge on Women Living Well is to commit to pray for your husband every day. I know in our home, prayer is important. In fact, it has been for most of our marriage. You see, I'm an introvert by nature so praying in large groups of people makes me almost have an anxiety attack! But my personal daily prayer time not only draws me closer to God, it helps me keep things in perspective when I'm faced with daunting circumstances. I'm honored to pray for Chris and printed off the list that Courtney listed from Stormie Omartian's book. Here are a few of the things listed.....

1. His Wife :-)
2. His Work
3. His Temptations
4. His Fears
5. His Health

Courtney also suggested to use your wedding ring as a reminder to pray for him throughout your day. I love this idea! I'm rarely without mine on so it's a perfect suggestion to send up a sentence prayer on his behalf.

Consider joining our summer challenge today!

Many Blessings,


  1. Hi Melissa!
    I found you through the Women Living Well summer challenge ;o) Great post! I want to encourage you to allow God to work on your fear of praying in front of others. I also suffer from that! BUT within the last year God has worked on me in that area IMMENSELY! I still get shy at times, but then I remember who I'm talking to in my prayer and that settles my fear!

  2. Melissa how wonderful! I adore this sweet and caring idea. What a gorgeous diamond ring. Is it yours? I also have a pear shape for my wedding ring and I just love it.

    Have a blessed day sweet friend.
    ~Melissa :)

  3. Thank you so much for your transparency! Your husband is so blessed to have a praying wife! Keep it up!

  4. Hi Melissa! First I wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower (: I'm so glad I found your site and will return often for future posts.

    Today's post is particularly interesting. My first thought was to say hi and pass on by since I'm not married, but then I felt a whisper..."Pray for the husband that will be in your future." Hum...why not! I've prayed for my future sweetie in the past, but not on a daily basis. Your post has encouraged me to do just that. Just because we haven't met yet doesn't mean that he doesn't need my encouragement today (:

    Thank you for a new perspective (:



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